In today’s ultra-transparent and interconnected world, it’s worth paying attention to how you can create super fans and get brand advocates working for you. Your ultimate goal is for your customers to identify so strongly with your brand that they’d actually want to tattoo it on their bodies (think Harley-Davidson, Jack Daniels, and Apple).

What makes these brand-‘repping badasses so passionate about companies?

Sometimes, customers organically fall in love with a company because of its great products. But I’d rather not leave it to chance and I’m sure you wouldn’t either.

Watch the webinar below where I show you exactly how to reveal exactly how you can create zealots, super fans and big-time brand advocates for your own business.

Following these guidelines might not turn your customers into leather-wearing warriors, or entice them to tattoo your logo on their body, just yet — but you will start creating a group of zealots out there spreading your message. Spending the time thinking about how to tap into our hard-wiring to belong will give you a secret weapon to stop competing on price in your marketplace.

All The best,


P.S. If you enjoyed this webinar then I’d love to connect with you at our upcoming Underground Online Seminar! We officially just opened up registration and now is the best time to get in. Click here to secure your seat and grab all the exclusive bonuses.

3 thoughts on “How to create Zealots, Super Fans and Big-Time Brand Advocates

  1. Maricela Baird says:

    Do make them feel special. If super fans are tweeting extensively about their love for your brand, show them some love back. The simplest ways are retweeting them, engaging with them on Twitter, and including their handles in a simple #FollowFriday (or #FF) post. On Facebook, respond to your posts’ comments. “Like” the comments that really resonate with the brand, and participate in the conversation by chiming in with your own comment every once in a while. For a personal touch, call out super fans’ names when you’re responding to or referencing their posts, or feature their profiles and content if you have a niche community network.

  2. Today’s announcement that Pizza Hut is relying on fan videos for its Super Bowl ad adds another player to the increasingly crowded category of “fan-sourced” marketing. Fueled by the increasing accessibility of YouTube, Facebook, and HD video cameras, advertisers, like Pizza Hut, find it convenient and effective to rely on loyal customers creating brand-appropriate content. For seven years, Doritos has seen spectacular success with its fan-authored Super Bowl ads.

  3. Chance I. Saunders says:

    Do make them feel special. If super fans are tweeting extensively about their love for your brand, show them some love back. The simplest ways are retweeting them, engaging with them on Twitter, and including their handles in a simple #FollowFriday (or #FF) post. On Facebook, respond to your posts’ comments. “Like” the comments that really resonate with the brand, and participate in the conversation by chiming in with your own comment every once in a while. For a personal touch, call out super fans’ names when you’re responding to or referencing their posts, or feature their profiles and content if you have a niche community network.

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