
 Internet Industry Pioneer, Serial Entrepreneur and NHL Washington Capitals team Owner Ted Leonsis reveals…

Most people have it completely backwards…

We think if we can just be successful in business, we’ll be happy. But all too often we see this isn’t the case — AT ALL. There are plenty of miserable rich people — you probably even know some.

There’s another theory though — Being Happy Leads To More Success!

Wishful thinking? Not according to Ted Leonsis!

At age 27, Ted was a multi-millionaire. Yet, when he found himself face to face with his own mortality in a near-death experience, he came to an unsettling realization: he was rich and successful, but he wasn’t happy. From that moment on, Ted dedicated his life to achieving true and lasting happiness. He wrote a list of 101 goals that he thought would make him happy, and developed a plan to achieve them.

In fact, Ted credits the pursuit of happiness with his own success. And we’re talking BIG SUCCESS here. Ted Leonsis is an Internet industry pioneer who helped build AOL into a global phenomenon. He is a serial entrepreneur who has built and sold multiple successful businesses over three decades, culminating with the recent sale of Revolution Money to American Express for $300M+. Plus, he’s the owner of two successful sports franchises, including my favorite team, the Washington Capitals.

I’m totally stoked that Ted has agreed to let me grill him about how we can implement his “happiness first” strategies in our own lives and businesses! Among the topics we’ll discuss are:

  • The 6 principles of happiness — and how they make success almost inevitable!
  • How success follows happiness (not the other way around)
  • The importance of having a “double bottom line” and how you really can do well by doing good.
  • How to add texture, balance and context to your success.
  • How to recognize and avoid “over-indexing” in your business.
  • The power of a “Life List” (just like my own “Big List”)! What’s on Ted’s list and what should be on your list.
  • Why you absolutely MUST identify and act on your “Higher Calling”!

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