Marc Ecko

Marc Ecko took $5,000 in cash and leveraged it into a billion-dollar brand

Dropping out of pharmacy school, Marc Ecko, declared his future. Without connections or any type of leverage – he used old-fashioned hustle and talent to build an iconic brand hitting over $1B in sales. Marc’s bio would identify him as an American fashion designer, entrepreneur, investor and artist but really here’s his description:

My name is Marc Ecko and I’ve been an artist and a builder of brands my whole life. I’m a white Jewish kid from New Jersey who was able to create a company based on the ethos of hip-hop. From the packaging on the outside, I suspect I did not quite “look the part.”

Well, there’s no one answer. But by far, the most important element is his motto to” just be your authentic self”. And Marc’s new book ‘Unlabel’ is all about this notion of being authentic to yourself and your brand.

Marc has cut back significantly on any interviews to focus on building his businesses so this is an exceptional opportunity to get a little more inside his thinking.

You’ll discover:

  • Why we are all already artists and how to embrace it without being ‘starving artists’.
  • How to sell without ‘selling out’.
  • Marc’s unique formula for a billion-dollar brand.
  • The anatomy of a brand starts with its authentic spine and how to develop this framework.
  • Why failure is essential and how to leverage it.
  • Taking the ‘slow game’ with your key relationships.
  • How to get past nearly any gatekeeper holding you back from your destination.
  • What true wealth really means. (Hint: No, not just your bank account and probably a much different definition then you’ve heard before.)

Marc’s brand has left its mark in so many different industries from fashion and art, to music and media. You’ll want to make sure you listen to this special presentation and then leave us a comment and/or share with your colleagues.

Click here to download the transcription of this interview (PDF).

About Marc Ecko

Marc Eckō is an American fashion designer, entrepreneur, investor and artist. He is the founder of Marc Eckō Enterprises, a global fashion and lifestyle company. He is also the founder and chairman of Complex Media, a network of 110+ websites that generate more than 700 million page views and 70 million unique visitors per month. Eckō serves as an emeritus board member to the Council of Fashion Designers of America, Big Picture Learning and Tikva Children’s Home

About Yanik Silver

Yanik Silver redefines how businesses is played in the 21st century as the intersection of more profits, more fun and more impact. He is the author of several best-selling marketing books and tools including “Maverick Startup,” Instant Sales Letters® & “34 Rules for Maverick Entrepreneurs”. His latest venture is Maverick1000, a private, invitation-only global network of the top entrepreneurs and industry transformers.


3 thoughts on “Secrets of an Authentic Billion-Dollar Brand Builder

  1. Annie Marie Peters says:

    Great interview with Marc. It’s such a pleasure to hear him talk frankly about his career and philosophy. I really appreciate seeing how he has redefined what it means to be a successful artist/entrepreneur. As he mentioned, success is a moving target, and it’s different for everyone. I’m looking forward to reading his new book! Very inspiring.

  2. What an inspiring story! I know he’s really smart and successful, but he also seems very down to earth. I like the idea of being your authentic self. Thanks for sharing this audio!

  3. Marc took 41 years to build his brand. It combined the right mix of reflection, an Ecko-en kind of self-actualization, and a whole bunch of things that motivated him. Tactically, he made the right move in holding off publishing of his book. I find him uniquely positioned to share a perspective on business and branding that may be overlooked by his competitors.

    Being a creative business woman myself and someone who has a legacy of being frustrated with how I was being taught to navigate the avenues of business, I got so much value out of listening to Marc’s interview.

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