Special interview with licensing experts Stephen Key and Andrew Krauss…

“…He’s the Yoda of ‘renting’ ideas for serious passive income” -Tim Ferriss, 4-Hour Workweek

I think just about everyone has a ‘million dollar idea’ bouncing around in their head. And if you listen to the replay below, you’ll find out how to take one simple idea and turn into an ongoing revenue stream by ‘renting’ it out to others.

The formal name for that process is licensing.


Listen to the interview


And there’s almost nobody else around who can show the ‘little-guy’ exactly how to take that brainstorm and sell it off to companies eager and excited to license that idea from you (all while they pay you a nice royalty while they do the lion’s share of the work).

Stephen knows this better than just about anyone as he’s been living this dream for 30 years. He’s the inventor of such lucrative products such as Michael Jordan’s WallBall®, the Spinofrmaiton® rotating label, and HotPick® guitar picks among other winners.

Fact is licensing is a $500 billion industry and businesses need ‘idea people’ and creative freelancers like you to provide new and exciting marketable ideas for products for them. The way Stephen will explain on this call you don’t need a patent, no prototype and no risk to get this going.

Listen to this FREE Tele-Class and Discover:

In this class, Stephen will teach his proven principles from his bestselling new book, One Simple Idea, that will let you in on part of his 10-part process:

  • Master “open innovation”
  • How to decide if you have a ‘licensable’ product or not.
  • The simple (and proven) way to truly protect your idea.
  • Get Fortune 500 companies onboard and working for you (your cost: less than $500!)
  • Discover your most important sales tool (Hint: It’s not you).
  • How to strike a licensing agreement by avoid the mistakes most people make and much more.

Make sure you listen to find out how to build a passive income generator… all without quitting your day job, filing a patent or even building a prototype.

Listen to the interview


Note: Following this call we’ve had people asking us how this applies to content and licensing information. I’ve been doing it for several years now and if you want to know this weird (but extremely lucrative) little ‘sliver’ of the information marketing world — please contact our office about the Licensing Program we have that’s not currently for sale.

Let me know what you think…

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