On the heels of my last post – I thought this was a good follow-up.

Last year over the July 4th weekend, we held our first-ever Maverick Family Freedom event. It’s the first time ever Maverick families came together for a long weekend combining totally unique experiences and activities with business Entitlement Trapsessions for the children and development sessions for the parents. (Note: We’ll be doing this again and the invite-only so if you’d like to be considered please get in contact with our office.)

One of the highlights for parents was an intimate session with best-selling author, Richard Eyre discussing the ‘Entitlement Trap’. It was so well received that I asked Richard to present to the parents I have connections to and share some of his wisdom in the upcoming book by the same name. (Note: You can order it here)

Let me ask you a question:

Do you see yourself creating adversity so your child learns the hard way like you did?

Or, do you have the philosophy that as a successful entrepreneur you ‘made it’ and your kids should reap the reward and be given everything?

I bet you fall on one side or another, just like a recent audience of entrepreneurs was firmly split 50/50 down the middle. But then how about this follow-up question…

Do you think this outlook will negatively impact the relationship with your child?

After that pointed question, everyone’s hand in the room shot up!

One of our greatest fears is that because of our success we’ll have kids who grow up to be spoiled, entitled brats! Children who think everything and every opportunity should be handed to them without much effort on their part.

Quite frankly children who think they should have whatever they want, and whatever their friends have–and that they should have it NOW, and without having to work for it–are getting caught in an Entitlement Trap that destroys their initiative and motivation, undermines their respect, and ill prepares them for adulthood.

A sense of entitlement is the polar opposite of a sense of responsibility.

In fact, polls show the entitlement mentality is the #1 biggest problem facing parents today!

The antidote is something the Eyres have developed called the “family economy” where kids choose, earn, save, and budget, and where they begin to feel the pride of real ownership of their spending money, their toys, their clothes, their electronic gadgets….and where this same perception of ownership and responsibility can spread to their grades, their choices, their goals, and their values.

THE ENTITLEMENT TRAP is the road map to get families (and kids) from entitlement to responsibility.

Please make sure you join us because this is the only live call I plan on doing with Richard on this subject.

Here’s the deal, I think this information is so valuable I am making this call available to you absolutely free (except for long distance charges). You just need to register to lock-in your spot and get the special phone number and PIN. The lines are limited so if you want in — please register immediately.

Don’t worry there’s nothing to buy though from the conversations I’ve had with Richard, you should order his new book The Entitlement Trap. I’m simply a entrepreneurial parent who is concerned about how to raise my children and I know this information will be invaluable to other smart parents.

About Richard Eyre: Richard and his wife, Linda, are the best selling authors of numerous work/family balance and parenting books, one of which, “Teaching Your Children Values” became the first parenting book in fifty years (since Dr. Spock’s Baby and Child Care) to reach #1 on the New York Times bestseller list. They are the premier experts in helping parents raise independent and entrepreneurial children. Richard’s programs have received numerous celebrity accolades:

“Linda and Richard Eyre continue to reach out to parents with sage advice on nurturing the family’s value system.” — Dr. Phil

“…. proven methods for teaching values to children. ..” —Oprah

“…Magnificent messages. … They walk their talk and have such practical, realistic ideas to help us in our families, in our life-balance, and in building values deep inside our own lives.” — Stephen Covey

“Richard and Linda are the original creators and an ongoing integral part of ypo’s most highly rated seminar “raising responsible children”. They have truly changed the lives of those who change the world by teaching their common sense, value based lessons of parenting that truly make a difference. My wife and I have used their techniques for years now and they really work!” Shep Moyle, International president, YPO (Young Presidents Organization)

“I have long appreciated Richard Eyre’s writing and his solid orientation to family values.” — Bill Marriott, CEO Marriott Corp.

Listen for FREE Right Here:

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