Tool #2 – Instant Cash Surge Offers With Yanik SIlver
How to Literally Create Cash on
Demand…ANYTIME You Want!
The Secret to Using the “Reason-Why” Sale…
I’m sure you’re very familiar with retail stores running Xmas sales, Columbus Day sales, Labor Day sales, etc. etc. It seems like just about any excuse will work for a sale. These stores have been running sales like this forever.
Truth is, most people really need a very flimsy excuse to spend money. But if these “lame” excuses for sales work, I’m going to show you something that totally knocks the socks off these traditional sales and runs rings around anything you’ve ever tried.
For lake of a better name, I call them “Instant Cash Surge Offers” because that’s literally what happens. You unleash one of these offers on your list of prospects or customers and BAM! Instant cash – anytime you want it.
Of course, this sounds a little too good to be true so let me share a quick real-world example.
September 25 is my birthday. I got up that morning and decided it would be cool to send out an email giving prospects a chance to buy one of my products at a discount because of my birthday.
Here’s the simple email I jotted down in the morning:
Subject: - Happy Birthday... September 25, 2001 10:18 a.m. EST From: Yanik Silver Hi , It's my birthday today but I wanted to celebrate by giving you a present. I'm giving you a gift of 50% off the "Instant Internet Profits" program. Stick with me for a moment, I'll tell you all about it... If you're receiving this email it means you have signed up to receive my free 7-part email course on "Instant Internet Profits". I hope you're beginning to see that I just might have the answer to helping you earn a terrific part-time or full-time income online...while working at home whenever you like. Here's what a few recent members had to say after using the information provided in the course: "Just a quick update if you don't mind. Since releasing our new eBook on August 1st 2001, we have now sold 965 copies of our eBook. With 9 refunds for net sales total of 956 eBooks at $49.95 which of course can be verified through ClickBank. Right now it's ClickBanks #1 investment program. Sales continue to be strong. Just wanted to let you know how one of your students is doing. (smile!)" - Stephen A. Pierce * * * "I've seen hundreds of how-to's on "making money on the Internet" I know a lot about the "hype". I've written start-up manuals for mlm's and network marketing. I been in the "people" industry long enough to know fact from fiction. Your manual has revived something way down deep in me. I do now believe I can take what I know and What I'm learning from your manual and make good six figure income from the internet. (I've been saying that for a number of years now.) Your manual brought it all together for me in a way that the proverbial"lightbulb" went off in my head and I am now taking action. Anyone new to business Internet start-up should begin with your manual and no other." - Janet Smith King, NC * * * Now - let me help you, too! Several months ago my friends were rolling on the floor laughing when I told them I was going to build a profitable web site. "Yeah fat chance" they all said since I had absolutely no web site design skills, zero HTML or coding fact, not much computer "know-how" whatsoever (still don't). But their laughter quickly turned to amazement after I created a simple web site and the flood of orders haven't stopped. You'll discover how a completely different approach to Internet marketing took me from zero to bringing in $51,351.94 in my first 6 1/2 short months and why I'm convinced nearly anyone can copy what I'm doing. You could waste months (and thousands of dollars) - trying to figure out what really works on the Internet. Or you could save yourself the frustration, time and mistakes by following my as a special birthday offer you will save 50% off the regular price. This offer is only good for the next 48 hours - after that, it's history. Here's the link to the main page (don't buy from here or you won't get the discount): ==> Here are the links that go straight to your 50% birthday savings order page: Digital version only: Printed Manual (US Residents): Printed Manual (International Shipping): Remember, these discount links will only be active for 48 hours and they are not accessible from the main site. This is an exclusive, one-time only discount. If you snooze you lose! All the best, Yanik Silver P.S. For 48 hours only you can save 50% on the top-rated 'Instant Internet Profits" course. If you're looking for a complete, step-by-step blueprint to Internet success you've got to check it out! P.P.S. We are also donating a portion of all sales to help the American Red Cross's disaster relief efforts. ------
Pretty simple, right?
That brought in over $2,300.00 within 48 hours. Not bad for something that took me about 20 minutes to put together.
Why does this work so well?
Telling people the reason why you are doing something (my birthday in this case) is one of the most powerful influencers of human behavior.
Robert Cialdini, Ph.D. in his book “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion” talks about an experiment by Harvard social psychologist, Ellen Langer, that concluded people like to have a reason for what they do.
Her experiment consisted of people waiting in line to use a library copy machine and then having experimenters ask to get ahead in line.
The first excuse used was “Excuse me, I have five pages. May I use the Xerox machine because I’m in a rush?” This request coupled with a reason was successful 94% of the time. However when the experimenter made a request only: “Excuse me, I have five pages. May I use the Xerox machine?” this request was only granted 60% of the time. A significant drop.
Okay now for the shocker.
It may seem like the difference between those two requests was the additional information of “because I’m in a rush”, but that’s just not the case.
Because in a third experimenter, the experimenter asks “Excuse me, I have five pages. May I use the Xerox machine because I have to make some copies?” There’s no reason mentioned or new information presented, just the words “because”.
This time a full 93% of the people said yes simply due to the word ‘BECAUSE’! And it didn’t even matter that there was no reason given. Just the word because triggered a magic response.
Using this psychological ‘trigger’ can massively increase your Marketing success.
Here’s an example: John E. Powers, one of the top copywriters in the 1900’s, wrote this ad for a Pittsburgh department store in severe financial trouble:
“We are bankrupt. We owe $125,000 more than we can pay, and this announcement will bring our creditors down on our necks. But if you come and *buy* tomorrow, we shall have the money to meet them. If not, we shall go to the wall.”
And this ad was said to be responsible for saving the store.
Another ad written by Powers, for a different merchant, proclaimed “We have a lot of rotten raincoats we want to get rid of.” This sold out the entire inventory of raincoats by the next morning.
Max Sackheim, famous for the long-running ad “Do You Make These Mistakes In English” and originator of the book-of-the-month concept, says this: “Whenever you make a claim or special offer in your advertising, come up with an honest reason why, and then state it sincerely. You’ll sell many more products this way.”
And this powerful strategy works just as well today (as you saw). I know this probably goes against every grain of business sense, but I promise if you give people a good, believable reason why, they’ll respond with open wallets.
3 Simple Steps to Making It Work For Your Business…
1. Just think about the reason for the special offer. A couple of my favorites are:
- My accountant/boss is on vacation and he/she’d kill me if he/she knew I was making you this offer (written from a staff member).
- Can you help me settle a bet?
- It’s my/company’s birthday but we want you to get the present.
- Damaged goods or “scratch and dent” sale.
- Pre-publication/pre-release offer.
- “Long-lost” inventory found (and now we need to get rid of it).
- Odds and ends sale.
- Overstock sale.
- Beat the pending price increase.
2. What’s the offer?
Spend a little time to think about an offer that people would be crazy to pass up. The better the offer the more people’s “greed glands” start to overcome any buyer’s resistance.
3. Get your offer out to your customers and/or prospects. That’s it!
Cash Surge For Nearly Any Type of Business
* * *
Dear Mr. Jones, I'm pleased to announce we're figured out a very special way to reward our most valued {patients/customers/clients} this year… {Month} is now "{Patient/Client/Customer} Appreciation Month". Since every one of our {patients/customers/clients}have different needs we've decided to let you decide you what you need the most. Obviously discounting just one of our {services/products} wouldn't work for everyone - so I'm happy to give you {xx%} off anything and everything! Take a look at the attached list of {services/product} or go to: {}. Check it out and then choose what you would like to apply your "{patients/customers/clients} appreciation discount" towards. But, please don't delay because this special offer is only going to be available to our past {patients/customers/clients} until {date} as my way of saying "Thank You!". If you have any questions, you can give us a call at xxx-xxxx and we'll be happy to help you out. Sincerely, xxxx P.S. Most of our {patients/customers/clients}our shocked when the realize the diversity of {services/products} we offer…and now during our "{patients/customers/clients} Appreciation month you can save big on each and every one of them. * * *
anyone else selling a product:
Collier goes on to recount how extremely successful the letters were for selling travel bag that a clerk had to keep kicking holes in the side of the packing cartons just to make those bags look damaged.
Here is an example I used recently which brought in several thousand dollars in a couple days. And here’s the best part, this offer went out to people who never bought anything and I basically wrote off that they would never buy anything.
* * * ==================================== From The Desk of Yanik Silver ==================================== Dear The last few months have been crazy around here. With dozens and dozens of membership kits flying out of here, there was no time to pay attention to slightly imperfect or damaged sets, except to put them aside. And that's good news for you... Right now I have 8 copies of our top selling "How To Case in on More Cosmetic Cases" and 3 copies of "The Ultimate Guide to Attracting More LASIK Patients" practice marketing courses on hand that are slightly damaged. Some of the covers may be slightly off-color. Or perhaps it may have been smudged during handling. In most cases, you'd have to look real close to notice anything wrong with them. But even still, we can't sell them as new sets. So instead of sending them back to the printer (and letting them profit), we've decided to offer them to you at a significant discount during this one-time only "scratch and dent" sale. Right now -- you can save $200.00 off the deluxe version either: "How To Cash In On More Cosmetic Cases: The Ultimate Guide to Getting More Cosmetic Cases in a Month Than You Now Get All Year." (8 copies available) ===> Or take a $200.00 savings off: "The Ultimate Guide to Attracting More LASIK Patients" (3 copies available) ===> To get your $200.00 savings simply click on either link above to order and in the comments section write "scratch and dent sale - $200 off" Or call our office at 1-800-896-6979 (or 301-656-2424). But you've got to hurry because I fully expect these few discounted copies to sell out within a few days, so don't delay if you want to get in on the savings. This offer will NOT be repeated. Best, Yanik Silver P.S. Even though the manuals are slightly damaged, the information that's inside is still backed by the strongest, most ironclad guarantee you'll ever see in print. You get a full 1 year, no questions asked, no b.s., no quibble, 100% money back guarantee. One full year to try out everything in the system and decide for yourself if I'm full of it or if my marketing strategies can really add more zeros to your bottom line. P.P.S. If you need more information about either program go to: * * *
From The Desk of {your name} Dear Friend, In the rush and excitement of selling {#number# } of {product name} the last few months there was no time to pay attention to slightly imperfect or damaged sets, except to lay them aside. And that's good news for you… Right now we have {#quantity left} of {product name} on hand that are slightly damaged. {Explain slight damage -- i.e. Some of the covers may be slightly off-color. Or perhaps it may have been smudged during handling. In most cases, you'd have to look real close to notice anything wrong with them. But we can't sell them as new.} So instead of sending them back to the {printer/wholesale/distributor, etc.} (and letting them profit), we've decided to offer them to you at a significant discount during this one-time only "scratch and dent" sale. Right now, you can save {$xxx} off of {product name}.
But there's only {#} sets left to sell at this low price. And when the last one leaves our warehouse, it'll be impossible to get {product name} for less than its regular price of ${xxx}. Naturally, the best ones will go to those who reply first. Plus, you've covered by our 100% no-risk guarantee. Now, here's how to secure one of these {product name} at a big, big discount: Phone: Between 8 A.M. and 5 PM Eastern time, you can call toll-free 1-800-xxx-xxxx. Fax: Anytime, 24 hours-a-day, 7 days a week - you can simply fill out the action form and Fax it to xxx-xxx-xxxx. Mail: Or if you prefer to pay by check, send your completed action form and payment to: {your address}. (But be warned, if your envelope gets here after our stock is gone, your order will not be processed - no exceptions.) Don't hate yourself for missing this chance! Sincerely, {xxx} P.S. Remember, there are only {xx} slightly damaged sets of {product name} available at this incredible discount. And once they're gone this offer absolutely expires. Don't wait and be disappointed! * * *
Bill’s office has tons of resources on how you can get more free publicity for your business. You should check them out here:
He sent this using a broadcast fax – but you can deliver anyway you like. For more information on broadcast faxing go here:
* * *
about our year-end sale…
Dear Friend,
It all started with a bet I made with Bill, my brother and partner.
You see, every year, our office is closed during the week of Christmas as it will be this year except for Friday, Dec. 28th. I said “Bill, why should we stop our own promotions just because we’re not going to be in the office? Think about it. We’re always telling our clients that they need to be continually promoting themselves. Why don’t we follow our own advice?”
“Instead of just going home and stuffing ourselves with turkey, ” I said, “Let’s end the year on a bang! Since we’ve got a bunch of new services and tools that could really help our folks sell a lot more books and products in 2002, let’s send out one last promotional fax, and see what happens.”
Bill said, “Steve, it will never work. People are not going to be around during the week of Christmas. They’re too busy seeing relatives and having fun. And even if they are in the office, they’re not thinking about how to get more publicity in 2002. You’re just wasting your time.”
So you see, I have something to prove. That’s why I’m hoping you’ll study the attached special discount form and pick one or more things you feel would help you get more radio, TV or print publicity in the new year. Fax the order form to Jack Lewis at 610-284-3704 before midnight on Dec. 31st. If you have questions, you can reach him on Fri., December 28th at 800-989-1400 ext. 117 between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. EST. You can also email him at Jack will be the only one in the office on the 28th. Poor Jack…. please be nice to him.
Here’s to a great 2002!
Steve Harrison
P.S. Don’t miss my special year-end discount order form, which I faxed to you along with this letter. You’ll find an array of publicity-boosting products and services at savings of up to $307.00
Page 2:
Along with this fax, the recipient also got a listing of discounted services offered:
End-of-the-year sale ends at midnight Monday, Dec. 31, 2001 |
PR Services: Regularly Before midnight 12/31 Savings | Regularly | Before midnight 12/31 |
Savings |
![]() |
$1304 | $997 | $307 |
![]() |
$697 | $547 | $150 |
![]() |
$499 | $249 | $250 |
![]() |
$695 | $595 | $100 |
![]() |
$1200 | $998 | $202 |
PR Products/Resources: | |||
![]() |
$327 | $257 or FREE with purchase of more than $700 | $70 |
![]() |
$227 | $195 | $32 |
Name: ___________________________________ Company: ________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________ Email: ___________________________________ MC Visa AMEX _________________________________________________ Exp _____________ Signature: _________________________________________
Fax this order form to (610) 284-3704 before midnight December 31, 2001
Offer code: Yearend01
* * *
Dear Customer, Can you help me win a bet? Will you help me settle an argument (and win a bet)? It's between my {friend/brother/boss}, Billy Bob, and me. Here's the deal - I've been bugging Billy to {do something}. I kept telling him that our customers would love to {whatever you've been bugging him/her to do}. He would stubbornly shake his head no and keep insisting that our customers wouldn't be interested in {whatever the service/product was}. I didn't think so. So we made a small wager. That's why I need your help and why you're receiving this {email/letter/postcard}. You see, the loser of the bet would {whatever the fun bet was}. So it's up to you! If you're interested in {whatever the bet was about - whatever special offer it is} just {come in/give us a call, etc. order instructions}. So what do you say? Can we do it? Help me win the bet and at the same time discover how to {benefit of service/product, etc. you're offering}! Sincerely, xxxx
* * *
And here’s a great example for a professional practice…
* * *
Dear Ms. Jones, I'm writing to alert you to a special one-time offer. For some reason very few patients decide to have {your service, i.e. surgery, tax planning} during {month}. I don't really know why, but nevertheless, it ends up being a slow time in our office. And that's why I'm writing to you. You had originally come in for a {consultation} some time ago, but I never heard back from you. That's why I wanted to make you a special offer during my "slow" period.
Here's what I've decided to do in order to "nudge" you along and take that next step. If you decide to go ahead with your {your service, i.e. surgery, procedure, tax planning, etc.} before {date} I'll do something special for you. I will give you {special offer of discount, free bonus, etc}. So if you've put off having your {your service, i.e. procedure, tax planning, etc.} because of the price or some other reason, now is the perfect time to reconsider. Why not give {your assistant} a call at xxx-xxxx and take the next step to {benefit they want}. You'll wonder why you waited so long. Or if you have any further questions or concerns, {your assistant} will be happy to answer them for you. But please don't wait because this special offer is only good until {date}. After that time, our office picks up again and we are usually booked for several weeks out. I really hope you'll be able to take advantage of this tremendous opportunity. Sincerely, XXXX
* * *
More Proof This Works: Using a letter just like this one of my clients, a cosmetic surgeon in Beverly Hills, produced over $20,000.00 in revenue for just under $33. Unbelievable! The letter went out to 100 prospective patients. 16 responded and 4 scheduled surgery. Plus, the doctor’s staff had considered all these people “lost causes” and given up on them. Proves once again that this type of marketing works for almost anything…even a top cosmetic surgeon in Beverly Hills.
* * *
There you have it. Simple ways to create massive cash surges in your business no matter you’re selling. Let me know how it works for you. We’d love to hear your results – send them to:
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