Building and Awesome Company Culture Anywhere in the World with Vishen Lakhiani (Agent Professor) Make More, Have More Fun & Give More with Maverick Entrepreneurial Panel “Building a $20M Software company from your Basement and Overcoming the Fear of Success” with Adam Scran (Agent Steep Ascent) 3 Core Concepts Guaranteed to Drive your Interest Success with Dr. Mental, Norman Hallett How to engineer the biggest launch in your marketplace even if you’re a relative ‘unkown with Greg Clement (Agent Home Base) 10,000 users paying for his mobile service ( young moguls) with Derek Johnson, Founder Tatango.com Advanced Tactics for Targeted Segmentation to find your best customers online & offline with Ben & Kristal Morris (Agents M&M) “Changing the Channel” Connecting with customers and prospects everywhere on and off the Net by Mary Ellen Tribby (Agent Early Bird) How to dominate your niche by getting outside help with Susan Hill (Agent Outsourcer) How to Go into any niche and kill it! Building a multiple 7-figure info business with your existing expertise with Bedros Keuilian (Agent Big B)