Heather Sneed
In January of 2010,Content Divas founder, Shelby Larson, extended full partnership to Heather Sneed. Shelby is not only her closest friend and an amazing Co-Owner of their company, but is also truly her partner in crime. She is the mellower force of yin to Shelby’s social butterfly yang. Shelby and Heather realized early on that they are far more successful together than apart. While two strong women attached at the hip can give their husbands a headache at times, being able to quit their “day jobs” in 2009 more than makes up for it!
Heather’s strengths lie in organization and creating systems for companies to scale efficiently. She is also a master of numbers and budgeting.
Heather and her team offer private consulting for small and large businesses alike and she loves opportunities to educate and help both staff members and clients to achieve their goals. Managing Content Divas’ 200 plus staff members is also part of Heather’s role in the company.
As the mother of three active children, she is very involved in both Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts and all their other activities. Her entire family enjoys dirt biking, hunting, archery, RVing, boating and most anything outdoors.
While she may appear on the quiet side at first, you should remember that you always have to watch out for the quiet ones!